2014-04-07 IP 黃豆( 全性狀保留)

IP 黃豆( 全性狀保留)

所謂IP就是( Identity Preserved ),中文翻譯成 "全性狀保留".


The identity preserved process ensures the identity or purity of soybeans with certain characteristics that the buyer requires, like high protein or high sugar. The IP process provides documentation tracing the soybeans each step of the way from the seed grower through the soybean grower, the elevator and the shipping system. The key characteristic required by many IP buyers is that the beans be non-genetically modified (non-GMO). Producers who grow IP soybeans look for the premium because of the extra work and extra costs involved: keeping detailed records; using certified seed; thorough cleaning of planting, harvesting and storage equipment before use; and maintaining separate bins. As well, production of non-GMO soybeans usually incurs higher herbicide costs.